PSW Program » About Our Program and Program Outline

About Our Program and Program Outline

About the CDSBEO PSW Program
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Personal Support Worker is a full-time (36 hours per week Monday – Friday Approx. 8:30am-3:30pm) secondary credit program and is recognized as meeting the requirements set out by the Ministry of Health and follows the training standards set by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities.

The program can be completed over a 5-month period of time beginning in either September or February.
Click on the link below to watch a short video about our program!
Program Outline
Course Length: 690 Hours
In-class instruction: 330 hours
On-site supervised clinical workplace experience: 90 hours
co-op/consolidation workplace experience (with both long-term care and community placements): 270 hours
This intensive training program is intended to provide individuals with the theoretical, clinical and practical
knowledge and skill sets needed to perform personal support tasks, as a collaborative member of a client’s health
care/ support team.
Whether applying these skills in the community and/or facility-based setting, our program philosophy incorporates the principles of promoting client independence, dignity, safety, and the delivery of compassionate care.
St James CEC PSW program follows the secondary school curriculum expectations for 6 senior credits applicable to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements and is overseen by the Ministry of Education.
This program follows the training standards set out by the MCU (Ministry of Colleges and
Universities) and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care requirements. graduates must demonstrate competency in fourteen (14) vocational learning outcomes, (VLO)
and essential employability skills (ESS) learning outcomes, divided between 6 program courses.
For clinical and consolidation, students will be following the same schedule as their mentor which could include working shifts, evenings, weekends, and holidays. Please note that a facility may refuse to have students in their facilities if there is an outbreak. Alternate arrangements will try to be made where possible.

Students may also be eligible to earn secondary school credits through our Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) process. PLAR is an official evaluation and credit-granting process that allows mature students to earn credits for knowledge and skills acquired through hands-on life experiences.

Anyone who has previous credentials, (i.e.: HCA, or previous training/work experience), can be assessed with PSW Recognition and Advanced Standing assessment. (In some cases, someone may be given an exemption from some of the theory, or some of the training when they enroll).

Upon completion, you will also receive up to 10 additional certifications

Lastly, if hired by a facility, a student may be paid during their co-op placement.

Are you interested in learning more about the PSW program? 
Please keep your eye on our Facebook and website for updates on our PSW program.  
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613-284-2613 x3