Online Courses
Taking an online course is a great way to study! There are many advantages to this mode of education; however, there are some things you should be aware of, to be as prepared as possible for your new experience.
A student considering an Online course MUST be comfortable using a computer. At the very least we require students to be able to:
- have regular access to a computer
- use email and have an acceptable personal email address for possible contact during the course
- send and receive attachments on email messages
- work with a word processor (Microsoft WORD is preferable), creating and formatting documents
- save and organize files in folders on your hard drive or workspace for later retrieval
- conduct efficient Internet searches
- copy and paste text from one application to another
- multi-task (work with multiple software applications simultaneously)
- open and manipulate files using Adobe Acrobat (.pdf files)
- download and install “plug-ins”
- work with different file formats
From our experience, we find that students must have a strong motivation to succeed in an online course. Students must be able to make their own study schedule and stick to it to ensure that work is submitted regularly and in a timely fashion to meet the course deadlines.
Course Delivery
CDSBEO Online courses are delivered through the Online Brightspace platform, D2L. Courses are delivered asynchronously, meaning that students who enroll have the flexibility to take their schooling when it fits their schedule. Courses are typically 5 months in length, however, students can complete courses in as little as 2 months.
Students are expected to log on regularly and submit assignments by the assigned due dates. Failure to submit 3 assignments in a row could result in a student being withdrawn from the course.
Report Cards
Interim report cards will be emailed to students using the email address provided at registration. Final Report Cards will be sent to the student's home address.